Poker Fish and Chips Rankings as of Event #4 March 8th 2014
Rank NamePointsAppearanceFinal TablesConsolation Wins
1 Ed Engelbert 364 3 0
2 Corey Oatman 325 3 0
3 Madison Emig 305 3 0
4 Jay Baer 264 2 1
5 Kaz Dombrowski 255 3 0
6 Jimmy Emig 245 2 1
7 Chris Martin 244 2 0
8 Scott Demmy 243 1 2
9 Andrea Emig 225 2 0
10 Kenny Burgess 213 2 0
11 Neil Geisel 203 2 0
12 Shawn Duty 203 1 1
13 Sean Green 193 1 1
14 Devon Riehl1 92 2 0
15 Alysha Dombrowski 175 1 0
16 James Duty 155 0 2
17 Jessica Graham 153 2 0
18 Russ Houseal 133 2 0
19 Dave Hoffer 1 31 1 0
20 Mike McElhenny 123 1 0
21 Jeff Graham 123 1 0
22 Skip McElhenny 105 0 1
23 Shanna Zeiset 103 1 1
24 Nicole Scholer 101 1 0
25 Lora Duty 91 1 0
26 Brendan Zeiset 83 0 0
27 Travis Bueche 33 0 0
28 Josh Nieves 22 0 0
29 Mike Bennecoff 22 0 0
30 Lyn McElhenny 11 0 0
31 Brad Vater 11 0 0
32 Renee Scholer 11 0 0
33 Mike Nguyen 11 0 0
34 John Roth 11 0 0
35 Anna Tran 11 0 0
36 Joanna Bawell 11 0 0
37 Paul Sowers 11 0 0
38 Bryan Bawell 11 0 0
39 Julie Frey 11 0 0
40 Jay Frey 11 0 0
41 Laura Yohe 11 0 0
42 Jack Raley 11 0 0
43 Karri Zaplitny 11 0 0
44 Aaron Creed 11 0 0


He had been playing for more then 6 seasons. He has been to the final table at least 5 times every year. This year he was not sure if he was gonna make it until the last minute he showed up to play at the last event. And played he did. David 'The Crazy Eye" Hoffer, showed up for the first time this year and took home what was to be his first ever...a PFC win!
Year after year, Hoffer came out to play, more for the enjoyment, but always recognizing the comrodery of the game at PFC! "Sure its fun to be a part of, but to finally win one, makes it extra special!" Hoffer said. That win sky rocketed him to the 15th seed, amongst 41 players this year, showing a couple of good hands can get you into a good position at PFC!
Special thanks to Andrea for showing us the true meaning of St Patricks day and for all the participants who wore green to celebrate!
Joing us this Saturday for Jersey night!
PFC News